Severe cold weather, with snowfalls interspersed with periods of melting and freezing, can inflict considerable damage on homes. Here are some tips and steps you can take to make it less likely during extended severe weather.

To prevent pipes from freezing, take the following steps:

  • Fit exposed pipes with insulation sleeves or wrapping to slow the heat transfer. The more insulation there is the better.

  • Seal cracks and holes in outside walls and foundations near water pipes with caulking.

  • Keep cabinet doors open during cold spells to allow warm air to circulate around pipes (particularly in the kitchen and bathroom). Ensure harmful chemicals are kept out of reach of children and pets.

  • Keep a slow trickle of water flowing through faucets connected to pipes that run through an unheated or unprotected space or drain the water system, especially if your house will be unattended during cold periods.

  • Locate main water shut off to home.

  • If your pipes burst, first turn off the water and then mop up spills immediately to reduce more damage.

  • If you haven’t already, make sure all hoses are disconnected from outside spigots.

  • Make temporary repairs and take other steps to protect your property from further damage.

For more information, please visit AMERIND’s web page at www.amerindrisk.org