The Washoe Housing Authority (WHA) currently manages 81 Low-Rent homes, 24 in Woodfords Community, 36 in Dresslerville Community, 15 in Stewart Community, and 6 in the Carson Colony with an additional 34 Mutual Help homes yet to be conveyed.

The Administration Department consists of the Executive Director, Chief Financial Officer, Human Resources Manager and Client Services Manager. The Administration staff oversees the day-to-day operations of the Housing Authority, from answering phones, processing mail, responding to walk-in and phone request regarding program applications and availability, ensuring policy compliance and grant requirements; updating the website and writing grant proposals. Administration is responsible for ensuring that the Board of Commissioners (BOC) receive timely and accurate information as well as being responsible for ensuring that BOC approved policies and directives are carried out. The WHA also opens and maintain liaisons with other tribal departments, area agencies and organizations.

WHA is funded through the Native American Housing Assistance and Self-Determination Act (NAHASDA) appropriations, which provides for the operation and administration of current programs. In order for WHA to provide programs that are not regulated by HUD guidelines, WHA also applies for grants from other federal, state or non-profit agencies.

WHA Administration Staff Members

Martin Montgomery, Executive Director

Teri Sulli, Chief Financial Officer

Becky Bardakos, HR Manager

Keri Capps, Client Services Manager

Marshall Herman, Project Manager

Gabriele Weidner, Executive Assistant

WHA Staff can be reached at 775-265-2410